Terminal Norcan

We are a major supplier of refined and renewable fuels to independent distributors in Quebec and Ontario.
As such, we are among the four largest wholesale gasoline companies in the Quebec marketplace.
Norcan, Canada's largest independent petroleum products importer and wholesaler.
State-of-the-art equipment
In addition to supplying regular and premium gasoline, as well as light distillates including diesel, kerosene and fuel oil, we market biofuels such as biodiesel and ethanol.
Responsible operations.
Protection of
the environment.
Reduction of impacts.
Learn more
We've been
involved in
the community
since 1992.
Our commitment to sustainable development and safety is also reflected in our company’s membership to various groups and organizations dedicated to promoting socially responsible values and practices.
Donations and sponsorships
Through our donations and sponsorships program, Norcan contributes to the economic and social dynamism of the community.